
Pediatric Sexual Behavior Problem Consultation Service


Dr. Kolko and Ms. Torres offer a consultation service which provides a comprehensive clinical/psychiatric evaluation for children and adolescents with problematic sexual behaviors. The service is designed to focus on children and adolescents who have been displaying sexually inappropriate behaviors that are intrusive, hurtful, and/or age inappropriate and a comprehensive assessment is needed to determine treatment needs.

Most of the evaluation and treatment tools used for this consultation service have been developed from our work in the Services for Adolescent and Family Enrichment (SAFE) program founded and directed by Dr. Kolko, which has provided comprehensive and coordinated outpatient assessment and treatment for children and adolescents who have engaged in problematic sexual behaviors and their caregivers in collaboration with local probation officers since 1998 (Kolko, Noel, Thomas, & Torres, 2004).

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David Kolko, PhD
Program Director

Dr. David Kolko is the Founder and Director of the SAFE program, and is the Consultation Service Director. He is board certified in Child and Adolescent Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology and a fellow of the American Psychological Association. Dr. Kolko has also been a member of the Association of Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) since 2000. He has conducted professional treatment workshops and research presentations on the topic of children and adolescent problematic sexual behavior for 25 years.

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Eunice Torres, MS
Program Manager

Ms. Torres is the SAFE Program Manager and the Consultation Service Coordinator. Mrs. Torres has been conducting evaluations at the SAFE Program for about 20 years. She supervises the clinical staff, provides case consultation regarding treatment methods and case progress, and promotes professional development and quality of care.

Evaluation Process

Our evaluation consists of these steps:

  • Separate interviews with the child/adolescent and parents with a treatment clinician using a standardized diagnostic instrument (K-SADS), and other assessment tools specific to sexually inappropriate behaviors. The treatment clinician then summarizes and presents the information to Dr. Kolko and Ms. Torres.
  • If needed, Dr. Kolko and Ms. Torres then meet with the child/adolescent and parent, either separately or together for further symptom clarification, and discussion of clinical impressions and initial treatment recommendations.
  • A written summary of the evaluation is provided to the referral source, with family's authorization. At the family's request, we will share the written summary of the evaluation with the child/adolescent's current treating clinician after obtaining family's authorization.
  • Dr. Kolko, Ms. Torres, and the clinical team are available for consultation with the family and with child/adolescent’s treating clinician after the evaluation to address any additional questions.

This extensive evaluation involves 6 to 8 hours with the family plus additional time for review of records and preparation of the written summary. The cost of this consultation is not reimbursed by insurance companies and thus, is a strictly out-of-pocket service. For more information, contact Eunice Torres at (412) 246-5286 (Office), (412) 439-4077 (Cell) or via e-mail.

We are happy to offer our assessment services in Spanish as well as English.

Información en Español

Este program provee consulta, y evaluaciones ambulatorias para niños y adolescentes con problemas de comportamiento sexual.

Tambien proveemos entrenamiento, talleres y consultas telefónicas con otros profesionales en Estados Unidos o fuera de los Estados Unidos. Podemos escuchar el audio o video de las sesiones grabadas en español y proveerle información e ideas de otras posibles intervenciones.


Eunice Torres, MS
Gerente del Programa
(412) 246-5286
(412) 439-4077 (Celular)